
Teaching Your Pets to Do Tricks

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Teaching Your Pets To Do Tricks

Hello, my name is Simone Walters. Welcome to my website about training your pets to do tricks. All animals can learn how to do tricks if you use the right approach to training. When I train my pets, I use clickers to mark the correct movements that I want to link to a command word. Then I give my pets praise and treats to reward them for a job well done. Although I prefer this training method, there are many others to consider. On this site, I will cover all the different types of ways to train your pets to do tricks. Come back soon to learn more.


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The Veterinarian Hospital Visit, An Injured Meniscus And Your Dog's Treatment

Your playful pup comes inside from a rowdy game of chase around the yard. Instead of springing to the water bowl, your furry friend is limping. A trip to the veterinarian hospital later, your dog has a definitive diagnosis of an injured meniscus. Take a look at what you need to know about treating this type of canine injury.

The Vet Knows

The inability to put weight on one of the paws is a sign that something potentially serious is wrong. Never ignore this symptom. After a doctor's diagnosis, always follow your vet's recommended treatment plan. There are a variety of types of treatments available, depending on whether the dog tears or strains the meniscus. Read on to find out how you can help your pup to recover and heal.

Surgical Selection

It's possible that your dog may need surgery following a meniscus injury. There are several factors the influence the vet's decision. These include the extent of the injury/tear, the age of your dog, your dog's health history, and the ability for other (medical) alternatives to have a positive impact.

Rest Is Best

Whether your dog has surgery (which is often the case with a full tear) or the vet recommends medical management, resting the affected area is absolutely necessary. Even though rest is best, your dog isn't likely to understand why they can't run, jump, or play.

Resting at a vet hospital is easy. But when you get your dog home, restricting movement may mean that you also need to restrict where in the home your dog can roam. Confining your pup to a smaller space (such as the living room) is often ideal. This prevents your dog from running up and down stairs. If your dog regularly jumps onto furniture, stay in the room to surprise and stop this behavior.

Recovery from an injury or meniscal surgery can take anywhere from weeks to months. Your dog will need to relax and stay off the affected leg for much of this time.

Physical Therapy

When your dog is ready to get mobile again, they need to do so with the help of a professional. A veterinarian or canine physical therapy expert can recommend basic exercises to get your dog up and moving safely. Never allow your dog to return to normal play-time activity, run, or go on walks before getting the go-ahead from the vet.

Maintaining regularly scheduled veterinarian hospital visits is a major part of meniscus injury recovery. Along with following the vet's treatment plan, making sure your dog gets rest, and helping them to rehabilitate, you also need to make sure that their overall health stays stable. Visiting the vet is the best way to do this, providing your pup with the consistent care they need right now.